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Filecoin是IPFS上的一个代币,而Filecoin就是通过贡献闲置的硬盘来作为奖励矿工的一种方式。Filecoin采用了一种全新的算法(工作量证明),简单的来说,你拥有的硬盘容量够大,那么你获取的Fil奖励就越多。什么是IPFS?IPFS全称是Inter Planetary File System,一般翻译为“星际文件系统”,它由Protocol Lab提出,是一种点对点(P2P)的分布式文件系统。不过虽然说它是...

USDT是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(USD)的代币Tether USD(下称USDT),1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行1:1兑换。Tether公司严格遵守1:1准备金保证,即每发行1个 USDT代币,其银行账户都会有1美元的资金保障。用户可以在Tether平台进行资金查询,以保障透明度。用户可以通过SWIFT电汇美元至Tether公司提供的银行帐户,或通过交易所换取USDT;...

以太坊(英语:Ethereum)是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台。通过其专用加密货币以太币(Ether,又称“以太币”)提供去中心化的虚拟机(称为“以太虚拟机”Ethereum Virtual Machine)来处理点对点合约。以太坊的概念首次在2013至2014年间由程序员维塔利克·布特林受比特币启发后提出,大意为“下一代加密货币与去中心化应用平台”,在2014年透过ICO众筹...

GhostKidDao ($BOO) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2022and operates on the Solana platform. GhostKidDao has a current supply of 0. The last known price of GhostKidDao is 0.00759816 USD and is down -11.73 over the last 24 hou. It is currently trading on 2 active market(s) with $1,533.10 traded over the last 24 hou. More...

What is the project about?ChillPill is a project with the aim to onboard new people into the $FTM ecosystem, by teaching them the ropes of DeFi and NFTs. What makes your project unique?Our interacting with the community, and our vast knowledge of the ecosystem, and our connectio. We are able to leverage those to gr...

420 (420) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. 420 has a current supply of 100,000,000 with 0 in circulation. The last known price of 420 is 0.00017814 USD and is down -4.02 over the last 24 hou. It is currently trading on 1 active market(s) with $95.86 traded over the last 24 hou. More informatio...

What is the project about?Introducing ZK sync Inu, an exciting new cryptocurrency token meme coin, The ZK sync Inu token captures the essence of decentralization and the power of communities to come together, traforming it into a dynamic digital asset. ZK sync Inu seeks to unite the crypto and dog-loving communities, ...
